Sunday, November 25, 2012

‘I hoped at one moment there’d be no party at all

‘I hoped at one moment there’d be no party at all. Mummy said we couldn’t use Marchers, and Rex wanted to telegraph papa and invade the place with an army of caterers headed by the family solicitor. In the end it was decided to have a party the evening before at home to see the presents - apparently that was all right according to Father Mowbray. Well, no one can ever resist going to see her own present, so that was quite a success, but the reception Rex gave next day at the Savoy for the wedding guests was very squalid.
‘There was great awkwardness about the tenants. In the end Bridey went down and gave them a dinner and bonfire there which wasn’t at all what they expected in return for their silver soup tureen.
‘Poor Cordelia took it hardest. She had looked forward so much to being my bridesmaid - it was a thing we used to talk about long before I came out - and of course she was a very pious child, too. At first she wouldn’t speak to me. Then on the morning of the wedding - I’d moved to Aunt Fanny Rosscommon’s the evening before; it was thought more suitable - she, came bursting in before I was up, straight from Farm Street,

in floods of tears, begged me not to marry,homepage, then hugged me, gave me a dear little brooch she’d bought, and said she prayed I’d always be happy. Always happy, Charles! ‘It was an awfully unpopular wedding, you know. Everyone took mummy’s side, as everyone always did - not that she got any benefit from it. All through her life mummy had all the sympathy of everyone except those she loved. They all said I’d behaved abominably to her. In fact, poor Rex found he’d married an outcast, which was exactly the opposite of all he’d wanted.
‘So you see things never looked like going right. There was a hoodoo on us from the start. But I was still nuts about Rex.
‘Funny to think of, isn’t it?
‘You know Father Mowbray hit on the truth about Rex at once, that it took me a year of marriage to see. He simply wasn’t all there. He wasn’t a complete human being at all. He was a tiny bit of one, unnaturally developed; something in a bottle, an organ kept alive in a laboratory. I thought he was a sort of primitive savage, but he was something absolutely modem and up-to-date that only this ghastly age could produce. A tiny bit of a man pretending he was the whole.
‘Well, it’s all over now.’
It was ten years later that she said this to me in a storm in the Atlantic.
现在该谈谈朱莉娅了,在塞巴斯蒂安这出戏中,到现在她一直扮演了一个时隐时现的、有点像迷一样的角色。当时她给我的印象也正是这个样子,而我给她的,也是如此。我们各自追求的目标使我们彼此接近,但是我们依然还是陌生人。她后来跟我说,她在脑子里多少还是注意到我的,这就好比一个人查看书架专门要找某一本书,可是有时另一本书会引起他的注意一样,他把这本书取下来,瞥了一眼封面上的书名说:“有了时间我一定也要读读这本书,”然后又把它放回原处,继续寻找他要找的书。我的兴趣要更浓一些,fake uggs boots,因为在兄妹之间总是存在着身体上的相似,这种相似在不同的姿势中,在不同的光线下,Replica Designer Handbags,每次看起来都重新触动我,而且,由于塞巴斯蒂安的形象迅速颓唐,仿佛每天都变得暗淡、模糊,而朱莉娅的形象就显得更加清晰和实在了。
当我初次遇到她的时候,Discount UGG Boots,也就是她在那个车站的车场里接到我,在暮色中开车送我到家的一九二三年那个盛夏的时候,她刚刚十八岁,初次参加伦敦社交季节。

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