Tuesday, December 18, 2012

鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_388

id not leave Cairhien soon, Hurin would be bowing and scraping left and right. And if Mat and Perrin saw that, they would never let him forget it. "I hope nothing delays Ingtar. If he doesn't come quickly, we'll have to take the Horn back to Fal Dara ourselves." He touched Selene's note through his coat. "We will have to Loial, I'll come back so you can see some of the city."
"I'd rather not risk it," Loial said.
Hurin accompanied Rand downstairs. As soon as they reached the common room, Cuale was bowing in front of Rand, pushing a tray at him. Three folded and sealed parchments lay on the tray. Rand took them, since that was what the innkeeper seemed to intend. They were a fine grade of parchment, soft and smooth to his touch. Expensive.
"What are these,http://www.australiachanelbags.com/?" he asked,Link.
Cuale bowed again. "Invitations, of course, my Lord. From three of the noble Houses." He bowed himself away.
"Who would send me invitations?" Rand turned them over in his hand. None of the men at the tables looked up, but he had the feeling they were watching just the same,best replica rolex watches. He did not recognize the seals. None was the crescent moon and stars Selene had used. "Who would know I was here?"
"Everyone by now, Lord Rand," Hurin said quietly. He seemed to feel eyes watching, too. "The guards at the gate would not keep their mouths closed about an outland lord coming to Cairhien. The hostler, the innkeeper . . . everybody tells what they know where they think it will do them the most good, my Lord."
With a grimace, Rand took two steps and hurled the invitations into the fire. They caught immediately. "I am not playing Daes Dae'mar, " he said, loudly enough for everyone to hear. Not even Cuale looked at him. "I've nothing to do with your Great Game. I am just here to wait for some friends. "
Hurin caught his arm. "Please,nike heels, Lord Rand." His voice was an urgent whisper. "Please don't do that again."
"Again? You really think I'll receive more?"
"I'm certain. Light, but you mind me of the time Teva got so mad at a hornet buzzing round his ears, he kicked t

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