Sunday, January 13, 2013

娴峰簳涓や竾閲_Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea_043

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楂樺涓殑鐢蜂汉 The Man in the High Castle_088

a good day. I should have consulted the oracle, discovered what Moment it is. I have drifted far from the Tao; that is obvious.
Which of the sixty-four hexagrams, he wondered, am I laboring under? Opening his desk drawer he brought out the I Ching and laid the two volumes on the desk. So much to ask the sages. So many questions inside me which I can barely articulate. . .
When Mr. Ramsey entered the office, he had already obtained the hexagram. "Look, Mr. Ramsey." He showed him the book.
The hexagram was Forty-Seven. Oppression -- Exhaustion.
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"I inquired as to the Moment," Mr. Tagomi said. "The Moment for us all. No moving lines. A static hexagram." He shut the book.
At three o'clock that afternoon, Frank Frink, still waiting with his business partner for Wyndam-Matson's decision about the money, decided to consult the oracle. How are things going to turn out? he asked, and threw the coins,cheap jordan shoes.
The hexagram was Forty-seven. He obtained one moving line, Nine in the fifth place.
His nose and feet are cut off.
Oppression at the hands of the man with the purple knee bands.
Joy comes softly.
It furthers one to make offerings and libations.
For a long time -- at least half an hour -- he studied the line and the material connected with it, trying to figure out what it might mean. The hexagram, and especially the moving line, disturbed him. At last he concluded reluctantly that the money would not be forthcoming.
"You rely on that thing too much," Ed McCarthy said,cheap foamposites.
At four o'clock, a messenger from W-M Corporation appeared and handed Frink and McCarthy a manila envelope. When they opened it they found inside a certified check for two thousand dollars.
"So you were wrong," McCarthy said.
Frink thought, Then the oracle must refer to some future consequence of this. That is the trouble; later on, when it has happened, you can look back and see exactly what it meant. But now --
"We can start se

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

闆穿 Snow Crash_310

ho wants to go out for a day cruise, look at the Refus on the Raft while he's sitting in a dining room having a gourmet dinner.
Hiro's about halfway down the pier when all hell breaks loose on shore, in front of the Spectrum 2000. It starts with a long series of heavy machine-gun bursts that don't appear to do much damage, but do clear the street pretty fast. Ninety-nine percent of the Refus just evaporate. The others, the young men Hiro noticed, pull interesting high-tech weapons out of their jackets and disappear into doorways and buildings. Hiro picks up the pace a little, starts walking backward down the pier, trying to get some of the larger vessels in between him and the action so he doesn't get hit by a stray burst.
A fresh breeze comes off the water and down the pier. Passing by the Kowloon, it picks up the smell of bacon frying and coffee brewing, and Hiro can't help but meditate on the fact that his last meal was half of a cheap beer in a Kelley's Tap in a Snooze 'n' Cruise.
The scene in front of the Spectrum 2000 has devolved into a generalized roar of unbelievably loud white noise as all the people inside and outside of the hotel fire their weapons back and forth across the street.
Something touches his shoulder. Hiro turns to brush it away, sees that he's looking down at a short Chinese waitress who has come down the pier from the Kowloon. Having gotten his attention, she puts her hands back where they were originally, to wit,jordan shoes for sale, plastered over her ears.
"You Hiro Protagonist?" she mouths,, basically inaudible over the ridiculous noise of the firefight.
Hiro nods. She nods back, steps away from him, jerks her head toward the Kowloon. With her hands plastered over her ears this way,coach canada, it looks like some kind of a folk-dance move.
Hiro follows her down the pier. Maybe they're going to let him charter the Kowloon after all. She ushers him onto the aluminum gangplank.
As he's walking across it, he looks up to one of the higher decks,foamposites for sale, where a couple of the crew members are hanging out in their dark wind